New Chat Feature
One of the biggest complaints by league members has been the fact that PokerRoom kicks you out of a tournament as soon as you bust. Preventing the ability to berate anyone that makes a crappy call and still ends up winning.
Well I was able to add a chat room feature to the site today. All you need to do is click the button at the bottom of this post (or at it's permanent location at the top of the left hand column) and a new window will appear with a box where you can enter your user name. Preference would be that you use your PokerRoom alias, but there is no authentication so you can use whatever name you type in.
Will give it a test run tonight to see how it works. Let me know what you think about it.
Well I was able to add a chat room feature to the site today. All you need to do is click the button at the bottom of this post (or at it's permanent location at the top of the left hand column) and a new window will appear with a box where you can enter your user name. Preference would be that you use your PokerRoom alias, but there is no authentication so you can use whatever name you type in.
Will give it a test run tonight to see how it works. Let me know what you think about it.
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